Yetesh Sharma

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  • Yetesh Sharma



Why do the things stand in a still, Like molten lava, raging fire just turned pale, On snale’s pace, seemingly stagnant, Impossible to make a...

For You & Me

There is a place that I’ve heard has been to write about. Much has been tourism about it and the lame conclusions have already been...

Thousands Alone

Not with small numbers with minor descriptions, Not with little thinkers with menial thoughts. Graves put the sands aside, Thousands of numbers feel alone.  ...

The Writers Age

The tricks up our sleeves? The Writers Age is set to become your daily read. All you need to do is sign up with your...

Rakh Aayi : Punjabi Motivational Poem Recitation

Rakh Aayi is a Punjabi motivational poem composed and recited by Yetesh Sharma   Watch More: Oh Vi Hasda Hovega | Motivational Punjabi Poem Colossal:...

Knowing, The Beauty

If this time is for me, knowing you are there, will you listen? Knowing that you may fly away if I said anything in haste,...

An Empty Vessel

      Try stirring with your golden spoon, the air in the empty vessel you see on the table next to you, Give it...

Everything Could Have Been

Everything Could have been here, live and true, For there hasn’t been much of a chance, To look around, and to know that there’s is,...

A Year Has Elapsed

A year has elapsed, and in this peacetime life has newly dawned like a fresh crop of the season, An old season when everything was...

Back To Basics

I’ve left all my preoccupations, And I’m back down here, willingly. For all of the day that the vacancy of thoughts be replaced, Sit down...