My Night

I got a call from my night

Saying she knows what’s my dream.

I’m busy I told her I was asleep,

She won’t wake me up if I don’t listen.

Lousy place it is changing my mind,

I cripple to find an ear owing to her call.

Desperate she’s getting, violent her voice,

Dangerous it sounds, her words cold and dark.

“You arrogant flesh of self, shying eye to eye,

Shredding tears like a monsoon rain, oh my!

Lest you care on what you predate on,

Best you paddle, why not see the sky?

“You pull your ear towards my side,

Stop crippling your brains out,

World is a light, dim but prays on,

One day will come when ever will it not die.

Shhhh don’t tell, you such a chatterbox,

Gracious she is whoever you have your heart on.

Speak not truth, unfair it may sound, to you that is,

A memorandum of no doubt, a lover’s heart waiting to drown.

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Let’s Touch The Sky


Yetesh Sharma