About Hope

Behold! Because there is yet to be seen, yet to be believed and yet to disagree from!”

Funny, how in some ways we get happy and some ways we dive deep in the oceans of sadness. And funny, how human predicts happiness, when in sadness and also in happiness. Because with happiness comes hope that this day will be better than what it is today, or even now for the very best of the moment. But who knows the story behind the doors of Hope?

What is Hope?

I believe hope is what sets you free, to choose, to believe and to admire the change that you want in your hope. It’s tangible to what you think, and what steps YOU take to take the notion to another level.

What does it take to be hopeful?

I guess determination. It’s because you are hopeful because you think you can achieve. And it takes great determination to achieve what you really want to.

Is Being hopeful positive or negative?

Very tactful question indeed. It’s both positive as well as negative. It’s positive because you are free to set an aim and change for that. It’s negative because you don’t have rely on hope that things are going to change on the basis of your hope.

Why Hope is so chichē concept in the contemporary world?

Negatively! People hope for change, hope for justice, hope for clarity and particularly hope for everything. It’s not bad but as I earlier said relying all the way on hopes is awkward. This is pretty chichē too!

What should anyone do to be hopeful, positively?!

Hope is a secondary concept. The primary one is integrity. Your heart and mind should be in good integrity with each other so that the sync process should keep on without delays . These delays will make you hopeless in second place. You are surely active to know when you are hopeless. So, in that moment talk to yourself and take your heart wherever your mind wants to. It may go in the wrong direction but you shall learn something. And learning is not wrong. Be wrong, but change for the right once again. You shall be hopeful and your destiny will follow your way!

Is it so easy?

Are you so eased out to realize what is so easy or what is not? You are giving an exam, time is running out and your conscience wants you to realize if what you are doing is easy or not, if it’s worth it or not, will you be benefitted or whatever. It’s not going to matter anyway, and you have to give the test of life. There’s no choice! There’s no such option to opt-out because you don’t have to. Why? Because it’s what that is shaping you, that’s why you are alive.

Yetesh Sharma