Here it is, the old wall to bang. Well, no more but it is stupid. To know, there’s a wall and it needs hitting. Do you know or not if there is a wall or not? Who brought the concept of a wall here? What is a concept, or what is a wall? What is “what” exactly?
It’s a daily thing to do; a self-reflection it is. It always involves someone stuck somewhere. Knowingly, maybe. Unknowingly, I think not. Sometimes being stuck feels safe. It is comforting to realize that you are not drifting downwards anymore. I bet we can pay ransom to keep this position the way it is. Well, we have already paid enough to the time. With what exactly? We have paid time with time. That’s what it always yearned for. A thoroughly mindless consumption of time and thought for its own best use. We are gentle enough to never assume but contemplate that it happened for a good reason. Yeah, reasoning has its own fair game.
What’s up – This Year
Okay, fine. This year is not the year to wail on what’s left to waste. It certainly isn’t about paucity of reason. We all have pledged enough to stick to our resolutions or rather goals. These fancy words, I must say, are deceitful. They are sweet and keep us entertained. As I watch these words make up a story, I wonder how much truthful I can be to make sense of it all. These are delightful for many once accomplished or in the verge of completion. It is lovely to stay away from their bully. How likely is one to be bullied by one’s own thought process? I’d say highly.
All changes are saved and now, and you don’t feel like stopping. Earlier, you didn’t feel like starting. Interestingly, this conundrum will hit you tomorrow as well. But this is the feel of continuing and setting right. Right? Was it wrong? Or are you setting right things right again. Is it like cleaning the spot because you want to sit here and make way for your entertainment? Is it like you are much entertained and you’d like cleaning stuff now? Or both way or neither of them? You know, I am laughing and crying, wailing and thanking, I don’t know what’s wrong and what’s right. More specifically, I had ‘time’. My boss told me there’s nothing more to do for this time and I yielded this opportunity for “you know what it is”.
It is – What it is
I know I wanted to elaborate a bit on it. I stop myself to not want to. Moving forward, it makes you take subtle actions. Those actions have certainly taken you to where you right now. That’s for sure, anything can change and that’s for everybody. As they watch from their creepy eyes, you are composed and composing what you need to compose. It is so beautiful like a painters best painting or a musicians best music performing live. Life is live. It is happening one heartbeat one time. It is all things there are and there are not. Things are happening and are making up things. “It” makes you more complicated and you like complicated.
A Cause for Life
There is this movement that is there and there’s nothing without this movement. This is something that drives you out of bed. As you walk with people now, you feel pride and you want to brag about it. As I write about stuff like this, I feel how much stuck I am. Maybe more than I ought to. Maybe more than I ever would have to. Maybe I was made for something else? Something profound. Something, somewhere my words would make sense. Somewhere is a story. Somewhere things make sense.
A place where I am not is not a place at all. Supreme authority? I don’t know. I try to recall pieces from my past as to know what that was. What have I ever done in my life to put things in perspective? And of course, my perspective would be biased to the largest extent. There have been apprehensions and a lot has been written about it. A lot has been put in spur of action.
Out There
A lot needs to be put out. Figuring out what matters is of utmost importance. It’s a self-reflection of sorts. The More you are, the more the world will be. If there’s a thought being put before you take action, the way will be rather fluid. Take a look and go out there. Figure out for yourself everything there is.
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