The Summer of ’19

First of all, I would like you to acknowledge that this post is purely random and you may come across some serious mood fluctuations because this is how the post is meant to be.

The summer of ’19 is a dream come true. Actually, a nightmare.

I won’t hesitate to commit to that fact because as Earnest Hemingway once coined,” The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.”
I found an exponential increase in the reasons for agreeing with the second part.

The days are not worth looking out for.

The sun is up high, soaring 104 in the afternoons. That’s equally comparing yourself with corns dancing in a microwave.
But still, I must confess, I don’t necessarily complain but just remarking and really remarking to highlight the situation.

The nights are erratic.
The terrace is full of air.
Like a train is coming from the tunnel in an underground subway.
It’s adamant to take me somewhere in a better place.

The personal priorities are higher than ever before.
Just because the knots are so loosely done with the world that I can only decisively choose myself.
It’s not a declaration again.
Extensively glorified expression it is.
To let your eyes explore more words for not much crucial information.

Tomorrow, I believe is better.
Better than today.
Because with something newer comes belief.
And following a belief is good.
As good as living, I believe…

Yetesh Sharma