Meaningless - English poetry


Long before their talks won’t get over, It was almost as such the glimpses of the unknown was preferable, And long before I would know their cause, I will defy every lesson to live a life much away from them.…

The Cut

In last no end there ends, Who end may die unsound. Retire words of action, this! Let hear a sound, let die whole. Here a step ends, a begins, Three times let me decide. All spoken once heard twice, Twitch…

Mere Dreams

Be a night full of worthiest dreams, But cold and full of thunders. To live like a dream never ends, And feel like life and show never ends. Scales fall one after the other, Regret upon how to say those…

Fade Away

Why believe if to fade away, Like sunset in the lap of dull sky. Greatness have patience, a word, So far, that even may not step there.   Put a hand on your heart, think, What could be the next…