Next Time

Next time when you will come here, The time above the present will be that. Quotes shall shine through words, High not alike the musics defined.   Not quitting nor praying to win, Not in my ways that defeat. Fear…

May Day

That bright summer afternoon, no orange sun to see, Warm lights through doors it stepped in like a crowd. A warm loo sweep through the door went flung open, It murmured voices so strange, no undesired.   I had my…

A Time I Had None

Beautiful world it is, living on beautiful land, And A beautiful sky spread like a blessing. Where one may send his words for approval, I sat there once nodding to those I believed in. Seems easy to shy away, from…

Way I Sound

Way I sound close and near, so calm, Way world heard and narrated, so loud. The show wants me to say hard, and speak, Let freedom set trends big and clear. Not easily composed the time, it went questioning, Again…


Straight, cloudy, road and sky, I tear my heaven to know if it’s you. Your shine, paused with ample happiness, I fear my eye, fate if I come see you.   I paint back from past, things, chats, New like…