On the Passing Thought

Oh yes, tired I am and its the best one could be after a world of doing and not-doing, After all, who doesn’t when a world is on the verge of completion and another’s set for the dawn…   A…

Back To Basics

I’ve left all my preoccupations, And I’m back down here, willingly. For all of the day that the vacancy of thoughts be replaced, Sit down where you once sat, just back to basics. As the night is taking off, all…

A Time I Had None

Beautiful world it is, living on beautiful land, And A beautiful sky spread like a blessing. Where one may send his words for approval, I sat there once nodding to those I believed in. Seems easy to shy away, from…

My Pen

I don’t know where my pen falls weak, Where does it become stronger. I know its sparkling now. Aside from numerous visions. Voice in me narrates definition, What gives life to unlived words. My pen blinking upon luminous lights, Spread…