So deep in rest am I today,
And I think it won’t be enough.
I won’t wake up until it’s night,
Or a morning that I so hate.
Clever these people are, knowing where they would go,
And will move their bodies in hustle.
Messages will be pinged, appointments be made,
Places will they travel, quite a spectacular show.
Love, hatred, riches will be on display,
Their learnt lessons will be applied.
Will they lose or will they win,
Their day will answer all their queries.
Stepping out of a gloom and entering another,
It’ll be easy to forget which one was worst.
Juggling a lot each time will be the thing,
Till their days won’t be over.
I’ll watch them go, there they will be,
I’ll secure my wants for another life to come.
I’ll go once, a shot in the air,
Never to reach back, never to fear.